Helping you grow your business sustainably

Craft Product School - Designing Responsible Technology is an acceleration program dedicated to start-up founders and operators, that helps them design and develop responsible technology, in a way that is aligned with societal and ecological purposes.
Our approach
The present economic environment does not allow us to respond to ecological and social crises.
At Craft, we train companies in sustainable product development so they can have a positive impact on the planet.
  • Unique design workshops
    How can we develop technology to better serve minorities and under-represented groups? How can we create a more inclusive organisation? How can we develop products that have longer lifespans, are modular, or are locally produced? How can we better assess and develop AI products considering their impact and associated risks on privacy, discrimination and polarization?

  • Curriculum focused on societal and ecological impact
    How might we, as businesses, lead the way to the ecological transition? How might we rethink our indicators for progress? How do we make sure we implement new technologies by remaining aware and responsible over the impact they have on personal data, on users' rights and wellbeing?
  • Personalized support
    How can we generate new business ideas, which are more in line with societal and ecological purposes? How do we further improve our products for impact? How do we attain product-market fit? How do we scale for impact?
Unique design workshops
Designing for
During the Design for Equality sessions, start-up founders will be exposed to key concepts and research on the root causes and effects of intersecting inequalities, they will conduct user research to better understand these challenges, and refine the findings into problem statements in order to both assess their current products and build prototypes for new features or additional services.
Designing for Sustainability
During these sessions, founders and start-up operators will learn how to assess and re-design their existing products in terms of sustainability and create new products and services which are environmentally conscious. Here are the topics which we'll go through:
Designing for
Responsible AI
During these sessions, founders will assess AI opportunities for the products they are building, as well as analysing examples of AI products and critically debating their ethical implications - on privacy, on discrimination and on polarization.
We equip founders with responsible product development
strategies so they can accelerate their growth in a sustainable way

We believe that impact start-ups play a key role in accelerating the worldwide adoption of sustainable and inclusive technologies, policies, and behaviours. Our goal is to make companies ready for investment, growth and international expansion.
over 12 hours
Of intense trainings and workshops
1 on 1
Personalized coaching
Average number of founders in a cohort
Program Dates:
Deadline for Application
6th of June 2022, 23:59 PM CEST
Design for Equality
8th of June 2022, 19:00- 21:00 PM CEST
Design for Sustainability
15th of June 2022, 19:00- 21:00 PM CEST
Design for Responsible AI
22nd of June 2022, 19:00- 21:00 PM CEST
Individual Consulting Session
29th of June 2022, 19:00-21:00 PM CEST
Q&A, Feedback and Next Steps
6th of July 2022, 19:00-19:30 PM CEST
Our founders love us
Register now for the next cohort, starting 8th of June 2022:
Explore the program, apply, meet the group and start your acceleration journey towards sustainable growth and expansion:
You agree to our Terms and Conditions
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